Friday, October 24, 2014

Well here we are in a Texas Governors race, the Democrat Wendy Davis is a low down cheating typical Democrat, who herself has had two abortions and now advocates abortions in Texas. Texas doesn't need a self centered stop at nothing to further my career (even taking the life of a few fetuses along the way) Governor.
Stop Davis or Texas will regret its choice. Women Power! Women in power is okay just not a baby killing liberal like Davis.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Spending

And the Reno City just keeps up the spending , their promise was to lower taxes each year to a reasonable rate , $.50 started , $.42 next , then $.43 , and now $.42 cents per hundred , taxes are going up not down , and spending is on a roll . Democrats were elected to seats and if we don't get some Conservative Republicans in we will see a steady increase , while the Police Department , a worthless peice of money sucking crap , continues , we have to get rid of those lack luster do nothing vermin called Police ( we had a Sheriff Department and should still) .

Friday, November 7, 2008

Well the country is in trouble now .
Look what the Democrats did , this guy is gong to lead us to a place in history I don't think people wanted to go .
Only hope is if he can't figure out how to do any damage for 3 years and 11 months .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More bad news !

Well just found out that there are such morons on the City Council that when they look for extra money for the City , they gloss over the fact that there is 1 Police Chief and 1 Officer that are not needed and could be cut form the budget and save $150,000 .
Such morons .

Saturday, October 18, 2008

News of the day .

Today , we have received word that out of the 22,000 people in Reno , only about 400 actually vote and that 20 or so people actually attend City Council meetings and none of the 20 seem to care that taxes are raised to support the Police Department .
The Bailey bunch is still in charge , former mayor Loyd Bailey and his cronies .
There was no need for taxes except the city planners did not spend the revenue generated from the Water Department responsibly .
No Road repair , no road improvements , just more taxes for no service .
Current Administration stated when they were elected , that taxes would fall each year until almost gone , well what do you know , they did not , so we need to vote them out , get rid of the lawless seedy characters of Reno Texas (City Council) .
More to come !

Friday, October 17, 2008

Where do I live ?

I have a address in one city but pay taxes in another .
Reno Texas , Parker County is divide into two city addresses , Azle , Springtown , but they collect taxes for Reno City .
Reno City Hall does not exist in Reno Texas it in fact resides in Azle Texas , or so the Postal Code states .
If you send a letter to Reno Texas , with Reno city address it will go to a Reno City in Lamar County , Texas , you must use City of Azle address to deliver mail to the City of Reno .
The Police Department works 9 to 5 Monday - Friday , yes no one is on duty any other time , but we pay for 2 officers , both whom work days only .
More to follow !