Friday, October 17, 2008

Where do I live ?

I have a address in one city but pay taxes in another .
Reno Texas , Parker County is divide into two city addresses , Azle , Springtown , but they collect taxes for Reno City .
Reno City Hall does not exist in Reno Texas it in fact resides in Azle Texas , or so the Postal Code states .
If you send a letter to Reno Texas , with Reno city address it will go to a Reno City in Lamar County , Texas , you must use City of Azle address to deliver mail to the City of Reno .
The Police Department works 9 to 5 Monday - Friday , yes no one is on duty any other time , but we pay for 2 officers , both whom work days only .
More to follow !


Gray Haired Blonde said...

man I have the same problem, we must be neighbors. Wow what a small world.

1linuxfreak said...

Wow , small world , I think I saw you at the store the other day .